Friday, March 21, 2014


During this unit we learned about biological systems and how energy moves through out 

them. One specific process was cell respiration. Cellular respiration is the process bu 

which the chemical energy of "food" molecules is released and partially captured in the 

form of ATP. Carbs, fats and proteins can all be used as fuels in cellular respiration but 

glucose is most commonly used. I learned about this by looking at a lot of different 

websites and watching videos about the process. I talked about it with my group and with 

my brothers girlfriend who is a biology major. During this unit we also learned about 

photosynthesis. That is the process of converting energy to chemical energy and storing 

it in the bonds of sugar. I watched a lot of little videos about photosynthesis and through 

our experiments I learned the process by answering questions and having discussions 

with people.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Bye bye second quarter

The second quarter was harder for me. I noticed that I was not paying attention as much and that is evident in my grade. Madison and Jesse have helped me a lot and we work as a great team. We always spilt up our work and make sure we all understand what we are working on. One topic we covered that i found really interesting was genetics. I loved learning about genetics and allies, alleles, dominate and recessive and all the other aspects of genetics. One of my favorite activities we did during this unit was "creating" a baby. Jesse and I were partners and we had a very unique baby. I liked this activity because it shows how random genetics are put together and how some features have multiple parts or multiple coin tossing. Some of those features are, eye color, skin color, hair color, hair texture, etc. We also learned about cells and cell division. That unit was hard for me because it has a lot of different parts and terms and processes that I had to learn. By the end of the unit I felt like i had a better understanding and that was shown through my blog post about cell diffusion.